Thursday, May 28, 2015


  • one  flower tow system shoot system and root system.
  • root system 
  • The Root system tab root and fibrous root The Tap root is the main root that grows into the soil from the base of the stem .
  • Fibrous
  • The fibrous roots are a bunch  of the and bushy root that grow together in to the soil from the base of the stem.nutrients 
  • They absorb water and nutrients  are required by the plant to grow.
  • shoot system 
  • The shoot system consists of a stem,leaves,and flower 
  • stem
  • the stem is the main part of shoot 
  • soft 
  • weak and 
  • hard and woody 
  • soft 
  • soft stem are found in herbs such as mint and coriander. 
  • weak
  • weak stem are found in creepers such as pumpkin and water melon climbers such as the grapevine 
  • hard  and woody 
  • hard and woody stem are  founds in big tree   such as mango cherry  and banana tree.
  • stem keep most plant upright
  • leaf
  • leaves grow on stem and  have differnt shapes and sizes
  • structure of a leaf 
  • The flat surface  of a leaf is called  the leaf black.
  • uses of leaves 
  • They prepare food for the plant in the presence of air, water, ant sunligt.
  •  Flower
  • Flower make a plant look beautiful  
  • uses of flowers
  • The main use  of flower is to help a plant reproduce 
  • Fruit 
  • some   fruit such as mangoes and cherries have only one seed.
  • seed 
  • seed help new plant grow 
  • How are plant useful to us 
  • we at the stem of plant  such as ginger and potato.  
  • summing up
parts of a plant
root          shoot
Taproot      fibrous                  stem  leaf flower

uses of stem 

  • stems keep most plant upright.
  • stem bear leaves and flower.
       Flower and leaf.

 Ten o' clock
bong hoa 10 gio vietnam 10 o'clock flower1.  Name ; ten o' clock flower.
Leaf ; it is small leaf
Flower ; it will ten o' clock  flowering


File:Jasmin (4754541197).jpgJasimein

2. Name ;  jasimein.
Leaf  ;  it is big leaf.
Flower  ;  it is white color.
it is      beauitteful  smel


3.   Name; mango tree.
Leaf  ;  it is log  leaf and   big leaf

NAME ; thetty 
Leaf  ; it is very small.

Four o'clock  flower
Name ; 4 o'  clock flower
leaf ; it is log leaf.
File:4 o' clock flower.jpg